Texe Marrs Power Of Prophecy 2010 Weeks 15 To 26

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Texe Marrs Power Of Prophecy 2010 Weeks 15 To 26

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Name:Texe Marrs Power Of Prophecy 2010 Weeks 15 To 26

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26. Ways of the Serpent—The Theory and Practice of Hell and Illuminism (Part 2): Download
Texe Marrs concludes his essential two-part series on the scientific implanting of the Double Mind in the minds and hearts of deceived humanity. Significantly, he points to God's promise that in the last days, "The wise shall understand" (Daniel 12:10).

25. Ways of the Serpent—The Theory and Practice of Hell and Illuminism (Part 1): Download
This crucial, new special report, a 2-hour series, explains exactly how Rothschild, Obama, and the elite are employing alchemy, satanic magic, and mind-mangling witchcraft to mesmerize and enslave men’s minds. Humanity has fallen into a strong delusion, as the illuminists work to reinvent the world and mold civilization into a hellish, new last days pattern. George Orwell called this scientific makeover “Double think.” The Holy Bible revealed it to be the implanting of the Double Mind. Mirabeau, during the French Revolution, identified it as “veritably, the code of hell.” Satan began this implantation of the Double Mind into humanity as far back as the Garden of Eden, but over the past century the scientific processing of humanity has been greatly accelerated. If you are to understand what really is happening today—and what Satan and his minions have planned for your future—you must have this incredible knowledge.

24. Am I Anti-Semitic?... Are You?: Download
Charges of anti-Semitism are frequently hurled today at anyone who dares expose the deviant role that Jews play in American politics and culture. Moreover, brave souls who dare to criticize the nation of Israel are also branded "dangerous anti-Semites." Questions: Is it anti-Semitic to say that "America is a Christian nation?" Is it anti-Semitic to accurately report that the Jews' holy book, the Talmud, outrageously calls Jesus Christ a "liar" and "blasphemer" and his mother Mary, a "whore?" Was columnist Pat Buchanan an anti-Semite when he recently complained that Jews on the U.S. Supreme Court—if Obama's choice Elena Kagan is confirmed—will hold over 33 percent of the Court's seats while in the overall U.S. population Jews make up less than three percent of the people? Is it anti-Semitic to accurately report that many Jews are bigots who discriminate against Gentiles and consider themselves to be a superior race? Is it anti-Semitic to read and believe the New Testament's account of Jesus' persecution and crucifixion at the insistence of the Jews, who angrily cried out to Pilate, "Crucify Him!"? Finally—and importantly—what is a "Semite?" Since most of today's Jews are proven by DNA evidence to be of Khazarian (Ashkenazi) heritage and not from ancient Israeli stock, are these Jews falsely claiming to be descendants of Abraham and Sarah? Are today's Jews, in fact, unholy racial imposters?

23. Secrets - Volume 166 Download
(1) Fox TV's Glenn Beck sends eye-opening "french kisses" on air to Texas' Bilderberger Governor Rick Perry and to Congressman Ron Paul;
(2) Wanda Marrs—God's miracles of healing and faith;
(3) God's timing trumps elite agenda;
(4) President Obama delights Mexican illegals and insults English-speaking American citizens by referring to the Arizona-based pro-basketball team, the Phoenix Suns, as the Los Sols;
(5) Depraved Catholic nuns sexually abused children;
(6) Why did Jack Ruby murder accused JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald? Did a mafia-affiliated Jewish rabbi give the order for the hit?;
(7) Yet another Zionist hoaxter! Brooklyn, NY Jew Joseph Cohen masquerades as a Moslem revolutionary and threatens creators of TV show "South Park;"
(8) Great Britain's police and government declare war on Christian believers—arrests a man for simply quoting from the Bible and fires a hospital worker for her "crime" of wearing a cross as jewelry around her neck;
(9) Messianic ("Christian") Jewish leaders and groups buy into Israeli propaganda that Iran's Ahmadinejad is "another Hitler." One group even claims that Ahmadinejad is plotting a new Nazi holocaust and has set up concentration camps for the "Final Solution." This radical Zionist group further alleges that Iran is planning to wipe both Israel and the U.S.A. off the planet by atomic bomb attack. (Note: These groups cannot explain why all sixteen U.S.A. intelligence agencies, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency, have repeatedly reported that Iran has no atomic bombs and is not developing atomic weapons);
(10) Why does the world press refuse to mention that pedophile criminal Catholic priests are also homosexuals? And why does the Vatican today officially approve homosexual candidates for the priesthood?

22. Inventors of Evil Things—How the Jews Created Freemasonry, Illuminism, Communism, Satanism, Witchcraft, and the New Age Movement—And What They are Up to Now: Download
Texe Marrs presents indisputable facts documenting the Jewish creation of the world’s most bloody movements and groups. From the Inquisition’s Torquemada, to the Illuminati’s Weishaupt, Communism’s Marx and Lenin, Satanism’s LaVey, and Witchcraft’s Starhawk, sinister and wicked Jews have been at the forefront in inventing evil things. Jesus said of the Jews, "You are of your Father the Devil," and He spoke absolute truth. The historical record is clear. Therefore, we must urgently ask: What exactly is this demonic racial cult plotting against humanity now, in this, the 21st century? Just what great evil are they stirring up from the cauldron of hell?

21. Principles of Conspiracy Science (Part 2): Download
For the majority of people, world events are a total mystery. The ignorant masses are easily duped by the official propaganda espoused by the mainstream media, and are blind to the grave dangers that are imminent. The man or woman who is awake recognizes what is really happening, senses the dangers, and is able to escape disaster. Those of us who delve into world conspiracies are falsely labeled "conspiracy theorists," when, in actuality, we are "conspiracy scientists." Understanding and discernment are great gifts. This week's tremendous program, Principles of Conspiracy Science (Part 2), concludes Texe's dissection of deceptions and coverups.

20. Principles of Conspiracy Science (Part 1): Download
Texe Marrs explains why those who research and delve into world conspiracies are not "conspiracy theorists" but in reality are "conspiracy scientists!" America and the planet are immersed in conspiracies; people everywhere are confronted with diabolical plots and schemes. A literal labyrinth of deception and coverup can be uncovered and dissected and this is the business of conspiracy scientists. Unfortunately, the ignorant masses are easily duped and actually believe in the official propaganda. Most are taken in by the lies of the media and are blind to the grave dangers that are imminent. For the majority, world events are a total mystery and they easily fall into traps and pits. But, increasingly, the man or woman who is awake recognizes what is really happening around us, senses the dangers, and is able to adjust and escape disaster. Understanding and discernment are great gifts. Are you a conspiracy scientist? Here’s how to be one of the knowing.

19. The Lord of Money—Rothschild, His White House Pawns, and the Criminal Power of the World's Richest and Most Wicked Banks: Download
Amazing revelations of the ongoing financial crash and how it is affecting your pocketbook. Documentation that huge banks—JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and others are part of an international Rothschild money network. Which banks manipulate and control the price of gold, silver, and oil—and how do they do it? How do the Red Chinese fit in? Proof that the White House is subservient to the banking cartel and that Bush, Clinton, Obama are mere servants to the New World Order elite. How the dollar, the Euro, and other currencies are manipulated. What the future holds for America and for you and me. Will it mean financial prosperity…or economic chaos?

18. Secrets - Volume 165 Download
(1) Germany and U.S.A. guilty of tormenting and imprisoning Ernst Zundel for seven long years simply because he questioned the exaggerations and myths of the Holocaust;
(2) Canada has become an Orwellian nation with Jewish elite empowered by the state;
(3) May Day (May 1) is a supreme Holy Day on Satanic calendar—this is why leftist labor unions and Communists march on this day and why pagans conduct orgies and festivals around the phallic "May pole;"
(4) Bohemian Grove members in 1978 enacted a play, "Siddharta" which promotes Buddhism. Bohemians participating included actors Eddie Albert and John Lithgow;
(5) Ann Coulter outs former Senator John Edwards, once the VP nominee for the Democrats, as a bisexual and "faggot;"
(6) Former Congressman Bob Barr courageously stands up to Republican neocons, offering to personally waterboard any of them who do not believe this "coercive interrogation" technique is unlawful torture. He gets no takers;
(7) Former House Speaker and globalist New Ager, Newt Gingrich, teams up with Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi to do a TV commercial promoting "global warming." Gingrich says it was the right thing to do even though he admits, "I don’t know if there really is global warming, nor does anyone else.";
(8) President Obama becomes first U.S.A. President to celebrate Passover (Seder) with Jews at White House;
(9) Fox News provocateur and con-man Glenn Beck flip-flops. He tells audience "If you don’t believe in global warming, you are a jerk!;"
(10) Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, neocon pal of John McCain, backs not only amnesty for illegal aliens, but also is in favor of a national I.D. card, more energy taxes, and expanded war in the Middle East to boost Israel;
(11) Congressman Ron Paul, on Fox TV, agrees with host Glenn Beck that anyone who rejects the government’s version of 9/11 is a "nutjob."

17. Vatican Shame—Devils, Demons, and the Crimes of Pope Benedict VI Haunt the Catholic Church: Download
Once again, just as Texe Marrs has long forecast, the Vatican is proven to be riddled with pedophiliac priests, bishops, and cardinals. It is so bad that the chief exorcist of the Vatican—its #1 authority—admits that, "The Devil lives in the Vatican!" Pope Benedict VI himself has repeatedly covered up these monstrous crimes, just as did his sick predecessor, Pope John Paul II. Now we are hearing of one priest who raped over 200 little deaf boys; there is news of the head of a top Catholic Order who regularly fondled and raped legions of young seminarians. These outrageous works of the devil can no longer be covered up. Any man or woman who stays with this wicked institution deserves his own place in the hottest compartment of unholy hell.

16. Legionnaires of Sodom—From Ron Paul and Mitt Romney to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, How Republicans, Democrats, and Libertarians Alike Are Obeying Satan and Tossing America into a Homosexual Abyss: Download
A Homosexual International controls America’s political establishment, and politicians are eagerly swearing and bearing allegiance to the satanic thugs that run this network of sexual and cultural disease. Congressman Ron Paul is outed—He’s a Freemasonry kiss-up and a homo defender. His top aides grovel and explain that yes, Mr. Paul is soft on homosexuality, but only because he’s "socially tolerant." Massachusetts Mitt Romney led "gay pride" parades in Boston and boasted to newspapers, "I’m more pro-gay than Ted Kennedy!" Barack Obama, meanwhile, is alleged to be a bisexual, and it is common knowledge that Hillary Clinton is an activist lesbian. America has become "Sodom and Egypt." Where are the Christian heroes and men and women of morals who will stand up for decency and protect our children from this overwhelming flood of sadomasochistic evil?

15. Illuminati Degenerates—A Look at the More Seamy Side of the Psychopathic Men Who Rule the World: Download
Texe Marrs interviews Dr. Henry Makow, author of Illuminati: The Cult That Hijacked the World. An examination of the ritual practices and occult horrors of the elite. These are the most depraved people in the world; yet, they are our leading politicians, bankers, educators, writers, televangelist and clergy ranks, the Kremlin and the White House. Many, but not all, are Jews. These evil, powerful degenerates are determined to push their filthy values on us, to degrade men and women, increase people’s sense of futility, and drive humanity into a base and vulgar, dehumanized New World Order.

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